
Charitable Giving

There are several ways you may donate to La Amistad Foundation, Inc.

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Lakewood Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, welcomes tax-deductible charitable donations. Your contribution supports our mission to improve the lives of adults with chronic mental illness, funding essential areas such as financial aid, programming, campus maintenance, fair staff compensation, and comprehensive benefits.
  • Cash
  • In Kind
  • Matching

Personal Gift

A gift of cash in support of our organization is the easiest way to give. These gifts help sustain the operations and growth of Lakewood Center, extending a lifeline to adults with mental illness. You will receive an acknowledgement of your gift for your tax records. All gifts made payable to La Amistad Foundation, Inc. are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law

Also, if your company has a matching gift program, your gift could be doubled in value.

Thank you in advance for your support of La Amistad Foundation, Inc. and Lakewood Center.

In Kind Gifts

In-kind contributions are donations of goods, services or time — instead of cash. Tangible goods include things like equipment, cars, supplies, etc. They also include any item donated by businesses or individuals for use in La Amistad Foundation’s silent or live auctions. For example, tickets to a sporting event or tourist attraction, a one-week use of a beach condominium, gift cards to a popular restaurant, etc.

You will receive an acknowledgement of your gift for your tax records. All In-Kind gifts made to La Amistad Foundation, Inc. are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Matching Gifts

Many donors have the opportunity to maximize their contributions through an employer's matching gift program. Some employers will match or even double your contribution. If your employer participates in matching gift or other programs, please contact your employer for the appropriate forms to match your gift to La Amistad Foundation, Inc. Most employers will only match tax-deductible gifts to La Amistad Foundation, Inc.

Please contact our Development Director, Marlene Sands, to assist you.

It's easy to make a gift to Lakewood Center!
Mail your gift and a Donor Form to:

Lakewood Center(La Amistad Foundation, Inc.)
8400 La Amistad Cove
Fern Park, FL 32730

If you have any questions regarding your gift or would like more information about giving opportunities, please contact:

Marlene Sands,
Development Director
(407) 331-7226

Memorial and Honorary Gifts

For Memorial and Honorary Gifts, please fill out the Printable Donor Form and mail it in with your donation. Thank you!

Living Tribute

A Living Tribute Gift offers a meaningful and lasting way to remember an anniversary, birthday, graduation, or other special occasion.

I am making this gift a 'Living Tribute,' honoring a friend or relative.


To preserve the memory of another person is the most loving act you could offer. Your memorial gift will help us continue our work at Lakewood Center and help those suffering from mental illness.

I am making this gift a 'Memorial,' honoring a friend or relative that is deceased.

Planned Gifts

There are several ways a friend of La Amistad Foundation, Inc. may invest in Lakewood's future...

Bequests: How to include La Amistad Foundation, Inc. in my will

The Easiest Way to Leave a Lasting Gift to La Amistad Foundation, Inc. A bequest is as simple as it is powerful; with a few words in your will, you can bring hope to hundreds of people with mental illness far beyond your lifetime. Chances are, even after you have made adequate provisions for your family and friends, you can have a bigger impact than you ever thought possible - and you don't have to be wealthy to do it! Best of all, when you make a bequest, you will have the good feeling of having done something significant for La Amistad Foundation, Inc.

What You Need to Know

If you are already prepared to name La Amistad Foundation, Inc. in your will, you'll need a few simple facts about us:

1. Legal Name and Address: La Amistad Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization, located at 8400 La Amistad Cove, Fern Park, FL 32730.
2. La Amistad Foundation, Inc. Federal Tax ID: 59-1300982
3. The gift can be declared in a number of ways. Here are some common ways to phrase your intentions:

Percentage of Estate: I give to La Amistad Foundation, Inc., currently of 8400 La Amistad Cove, Fern Park, FL 32730, ___% of my estate to be used in such a manner as the Board of Trustees of La Amistad Foundation, Inc. shall, in its sole discretion, determines.

Fixed Amount: I give to La Amistad Foundation, Inc., currently of 8400 La Amistad Cove, Fern Park, FL 32730, the sum of $____ to be used in such a manner as the Board of Trustees of La Amistad Foundation, Inc. shall, in its sole discretion, determines.

Specific Property: I give, devise, and bequeath to La Amistad Foundation, Inc., located at 8400 La Amistad Cove, Fern Park, FL 32730, description of property, located at exact location.

Residue of Estate (after probate costs and other expenses): I give to La Amistad Foundation, Inc., currently of 8400 La Amistad Cove, Fern Park, FL 32730, ___% of the rest and residue of my estate to be used in such a manner as the Board of Trustees of La Amistad Foundation, Inc. shall, in its sole discretion, determines.

Send this page to your financial advisor.

Gifts of Stock

It may sometimes be a greater advantage to give La Amistad Foundation, Inc. appreciated securities rather than cash. An outright gift of appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual fund shares which you have owned one year or longer may be claimed as a charitable contribution up to an amount equal to 30% of your adjusted gross income. Any deduction not usable in the first year may be carried over for up to five additional years or until the deduction is completed used, whichever is first. By making a charitable donation, you avoid paying tax on the capital gains.

Charitable Gift Annuities

In exchange for an irrevocable transfer of assets, La Amistad Foundation, Inc. agrees to pay one or two annuitants a fixed income for life, the amount determined by the age of the annuitant(s). A portion of the transfer is deductible and when cash is used to fund a gift annuity, a portion of the income is nontaxable for federal purposes. When using appreciated stock, the capital gains tax is not payable at once but is spread over the life expectancy of the annuitant(s). Illustrations are available through our Development Director.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

Charitable Remainder Trusts are similar in concept to the annuity trusts. One key difference is that under the trust the payment amounts may vary from year to year. They are determined by multiplying the percentage stipulated in the trust agreement by the fair market value of the assets each year. Thus, the income may go up or down depending on the trust assets.

Life Estate Contracts (Real Estate Gifts)

Some people choose to give their personal residence, farm or vacation home to La Amistad Foundation, Inc. Through a charitable life estate contract, you would deed the property to our organization now but would retain the right to live in the home or use the farm for the remainder of your lifetime. You would also continue to be responsible for the maintenance, upkeep, taxes, insurance, etc. By making this type of transfer, you would ensure that the property was quickly conveyed to La Amistad Foundation, Inc. at the time of your death. In addition you would be entitled to an income tax deduction in the year you deed the property to us.

Charitable Lead Trusts

Charitable Lead Trusts are established by a donor transferring assets to a trust that provides income to La Amistad Foundation, Inc. for a period of years. At the end of that period, the trust assets revert either to the donor (grantor) or to someone else the donor designates (non-grantor).

Life Insurance Policies

There are two primary types: Transfer of ownership of an existing policy to La Amistad Foundation, Inc. or purchase of a contract by the donor, in which La Amistad Foundation, Inc. is named the beneficiary and/or owner.

Gifts of Retirement Plans

If you leave your IRA, Keough, 401(k) or other qualified retirement plans to your children, a combination of estate taxes, income taxes, and generation skipping taxes could shrink the bequest by as much as 70%. Instead, consider leaving retirement account assets to La Amistad Foundation, Inc., and preserve all the funds free from tax. You can leave your children cash and other assets that won't suffer the high taxes that retirement assets do. Or, you can provide for family members by leaving retirement assets to a charitable trust that will pay income to your loved ones. It is simple to make a gift of retirement assets to La Amistad Foundation, Inc.

Beneficiary Change

The custodian of your retirement plan can provide you with the appropriate forms to make La Amistad Foundation, Inc. the beneficiary. The beneficiary designation form will ask that you list La Amistad Foundation, Inc.'s legal name, address, and tax identification number. This information is as follows:

La Amistad Foundation, Inc.
8400 La Amistad Cove
Fern Park, FL 32730
Tax ID# 59-1300982

Will or Living Trust

If no death beneficiary is named for your account, you can change your will or living trust so that retirement assets are specifically designated to pass to La Amistad Foundation, Inc.

Contingent Beneficiary

Consider making La Amistad Foundation, Inc. the contingent beneficiary of your retirement death plan benefits and give your heirs the right to disclaim (decline) benefits. Those who understand the severity of the taxes imposed can have the retirement assets pass to a worthwhile cause like La Amistad Foundation, Inc.

Let Us Thank You!

If you have made La Amistad Foundation, Inc. the beneficiary of your charitable planning, please let us know! We would like to acknowledge your very special gift.